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  • Writer's pictureRosa Stevens

Life Coaching or Counselling?

Updated: Nov 19, 2018

Choosing the right therapy can be overwhelming and often confusing. I often meet people asking for guidance in what path to take and clarification of the different modalities available.

As a fully practicing Integrative Counsellor, I have invested a large amount of my time and training in integrating different approaches to tailor a therapy for my clients. Life Coaching seemed an interesting added therapy to have.

Beginning my journey as a Life Coach was very interesting as I trained with a mix of individuals. During this time I began to identify the difference in a Counsellor practicing Life Coaching and a Life Coach. "trust me it was a difficult time as I couldn't mix the two whilst training due to the course requirements".

During my training I have identified my strengths as a Life Coach. I felt that having such a strong Counselling background made me a very effective Life Coach and I could focus in providing a unique service to my Clients.

You are wondering as to how this may be possible, surely aren't all this therapies the same?

I can let you in a little secret, "they definitely aren't".

Counselling is a calling, it requires devotion and a huge level of personal discovery followed by many hours of personal therapy. It takes a long 4 to 5 year training to achieve the qualifications necessary, alongside endless unpaid client hours necessary to become a certified member of a professional body.

Life Coaching isn't as well monitored. Not just yet! However, it is at the early stages such as where Counselling would have been 20 years ago. What does this mean for you now?

I am afraid that since there is no governing body, anyone can claim to be a Life Coach. Most training are as little as 3 months long, probably online training, with no client work. If you choose to see a life coach, make sure you see a valid qualification alongside their coaching membership and what ethical framework they work by, are they followed by a supervisor?

I am sure that you would like to spend your hard earned cash to get the best chance in achieving your goal in a safe and non-judgemental environment. As a qualified and active Integrative Counsellor, I can hold my clients in a safe and confidential environment, allowing the client to explore their inner self and flourish. As a professional member of the British Association for Counsellor and Psychotherapist and coaching division, I am required to see a Supervisor that monitors the quality of my work and abide with the BACP ethical framework.

So what does that mean for you?

If you are unsure what Therapy is most suitable for you right now, then I can assess this for you. I will confirm if Life Coaching is suitable for you right now. If I believe Life Coaching isn't suitable for you right now, I will signpost you in the right direction. Remember that the most important thing for me is my Clients needs.

Are you curious on what the BACP Ethical Framework is? Well here is the link for you to look at:

Lastly I wanted to let you know that in my Life Coaching practice, I integrate very important counselling skills that focus in developing a strong theareaputic relationship, which for me is the most important thing in "any" therapy. I am able to sit with my clients feelings and really see the world from their prospective. My extensive knowledge allows me to use each modality to tailor the therapy for my client and not the client to therapy.

I am also professionally trained to assess risk and make referrals when necessary.

Now I must go to bed as I have a beautiful day head of me tomorrow in the cold Irish waters.

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